Monday, April 27, 2009

Mad cow Vs Swine Flu

It's the clash of the titans !

Mad Cow aka "Creutzfeldt-Jakob"


Cavia porcellus aka "Swine Flu"

Just kidding..... Cavia porcellus is not the scientific name for Swine flu. Cavia porcellus is the scientific name for guinea pig.

Actually, I didn't have any pictures of pigs ready on my desktop, so I thought I'll use this opportunity to show off my cute little Cavia porcellus, which are not pigs of course, but luckily for me, also not health hazardous.

On a more serious note, the results so far:

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: 188,579 cases worldwide

Death toll: 1 person per 1,000,000 in the US (Source: CDC)

Swine flu: More than 1,674 reported cases to date worldwide (Source: CDC)
Death toll: over 100 persons to date

I think I'll have to give Round 1 to Swine influenza.

Be careful, stay away from pork and Mexico....for the time being.

Funny thing is, there were many laughing cows since the outbreak of Creutzfeldt-Jakob. I wonder why.

Laughing cow

Friday, April 3, 2009

Conan O'Brien is my friend

Don't mess, don't play and don't toy with me......cause look who's my new found FRIEND !

If you mess with me, you mess with him.

And you better be afriad...oh be very afraid, he's an Irish super mogul kick-ass late night TV host from the Big Apple plus........................... he's 100 x richer than you will ever be.

Mr. O'Brien, thanks for being my friend. You just saved my day.

Note New Year's resolution 2010: Must get Barack Obama to be my friend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Heart-shaped moon - no kidding

I caught a photo of a heart shaped moon last night.

Here's proof that the moon is not round......

The so-called "Love Moon" phenomenon only appears at an interval of 3,333 years at 3.30 a.m. at a coordinate with a latitude of 3' 30 North and 107' 50 East.
And that's not all.......the phenomenon doesn't appear unless it's a day before April 1st.