Monday, January 11, 2010

While the world debates over the translation of "Allah"...

I woke up this morning looking forward to the singing birds despite the bitter winter, when the first thing I saw on my blackberry was the following notification:

The first thought that came to my mind was this: Before the debate over the correct use of the word "Allah" in Malaysia gets outta hand, why don't we spare a little thought to the other real life problems of the world today:

Rising unemployment and longer queues in job agencies despites promises of economic recovery

Starving children in war-torn Somalia

Homeless villagers in Lahore, Pakistan

Or how about a litte more focus on the local front.
Flash floods in Southern Malaysia with severe lack of infrastructure

Never ending pot holes despite billions of tax dollars promised for repair works 

Poor government housing programmes and delayed relocations 

Rising sugar and food prices

So bloggers and people, before we create another stampede to already rising world tensions to start-off with the New Year, why don't we give the Malaysian "gahmen" a chance to solve our backload of other problems first....

At least wait until the fat man sings...

Because an alleged inside source tells me that the ruling "gahmen" is still far, far away from solving this latest controversy.

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