Thursday, March 12, 2009

Allah Issue staged by James Cameron ?

Rumours abound in Malaysia, aka "Boleh"-land aka "YES WE CAN Do Anything the Americans Do"-land, over the alleged "ruse" used by the ruling coalition to distract attention away from the real socio-economic problems by fanning the religious flames. This has been of course, flatly denied by the relevant parties.

But if it were true......I bet that James Cameron had been hired to stage the whole set. Just like a movie out of a movie similar to the 1997 blockbuster "Wag the Dog" (for non-movie enthusiasts pls refer to Wikipedia for background of the film thank you very much). Theoretically, no one was hurt from the church and muslim prayer room attacks, so the bombs were probably studio material to create sensational sound and light effects. And the wrapped wild boar heads thrown into the mosque compound ? Probably hogs imported from Kentucky (not the Fried Chicken) Tennessee or even nearby Papua New Guinea. Far fetched theory ?

I don't think so (and I think that former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir would agree with me). After all, "if they can produce a movie like Avatar....they ("James Cameron and his team") could just about achieve anything !".

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