Monday, March 9, 2009

When recession bites: No more Starbucks

Although I never thought I would ever experience it in my lifetime, I would have to come to terms with the reality of it......the Recession is HERE....globally, and there's no escaping.

Now ppl, don't believe it if CNBC's Squawk Box tells you to buy, buy, buy...spend spend spend...your way out of the recession....


So here are a few survival tips, about how to survive this neverending spiralling recession.

As I said, this is the first time in my lifetime I have personally encountered a..a...resession (damn my spelling's bad), so it's not fool proof....

OUT: No more Frappucino Mocalicious Starbucks for $ 7 bucks a cup....

IN: @**&%%!!!

[to be cont'd]

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